The Future of EU-UK Relations:
Towards a Strong Partnership
Policy Paper
24 January, 2021
On 24th December 2020, the EU reached an agreement with the UK on the terms of their future cooperation after four years of intensive negotiation. Building a strong EU-UK partnership in a post-Brexit Europe is indeed in their interest. While the ambitious Trade and Cooperation Agreement was one crucial step in this direction, none of the parties will enjoy the same benefits as when the UK was a member of the EU, and it will remain important to understand the possible impact of the agreement in its current form on matters such as European Security, Migration, Trade or Energy Policy. Should the parties strive for a different type of cooperation in the future to strengthen their partnership approach, and how could this look like?
Our authors have explored these questions and analysed four policy areas in which the EU and the UK could strengthen their cooperation. The first chapter focuses on Competition Policy, more specifically antitrust, mergers and state aid. In the second chapter, possibilities for connecting the EU-UK Emission Trading Systems will be explored. Chapter three delves into the issue of External Migration Policy post-Brexit and looks at cooperation with third countries and external border control. The last chapter deals with Internal Security cooperation, with a focus on information sharing and cooperation with Europol.
Each chapter provides different policy options and final recommendations that the EU and the UK should consider if their relationship is to strengthen in the future.
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