Letitia Roman
Permanent Author
Letitia Roman is a permanent author for A Path for Europe (PfEU). Her areas of interest include security, Conflict Management, and International Affairs, with a focus on Eastern Europe and Neighbouring countries.
Currently, Letitia is pursuing her master’s degree in International Affairs at the Hertie School, specializing in Security and Sustainability. Previously, she read Security Studies at the University of Bucharest.
Professionally, Letitia acted as an event organizer and main coordinator for conferences and projects targeting Romanian students with a proven interest in International Relations. Her passion for International Security and European affairs was a driving force for building a Crisis Management Simulation that emulates the Brussels climate, with an expected outreach to young professionals that seek to put themselves in the shoes of European decision-makers and to solve International Conflicts and Crises. Letitia is fluent in English and Romanian, as well as intermediate in German and French and a beginner in Japanese.