EU Update - September 2021
The dust is settling on the German Federal election and the EU and the world is anticipating what the agreed coalition will be. Meanwhile, many are taking the opportunity to look back at the Merkel era and the resounding impact it had on the EU. This month covers a variety of new developments in the EU, demonstrating that beyond the leading role of Germany under Merkel, strong leadership is required bloc-wide for future success.
The Foreign Affairs & Security section covers the controversial AUKUS pact and the implications for the French—Australian relationship and the potential EU—Australia Free Trade Agreement.
The Environment section covers the rising prices of energy in the EU across the past month and the potential implications of the German Federal Election on Nord Stream 2.
The Democracy & Governance section covers the International Day of Democracy: Joint statement by the High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and Vice-President Dubravka Šuica highlighting key themes of free and fair elections and the rule of law.
The Migration section covers the growing humanitarian crisis regarding irregular migrants.