Declan Ingham
Guest Author
Declan Ingham is a Research Associate for a A Path for Europe (PfEU). His areas of interest include the European Union’s efforts to decarbonise the economy and guarantee a just transition, economic and social policy that boosts well-being, wages, and employment as well as European cohesion and macroeconomic architecture.
Declan holds a Master of Public Policy from the University of Toronto and a BA from the University of Ottawa. While at the University of Ottawa, he served as a research assistant for the book, “Populism Around the World”. His studies at the University of Toronto focused on the intersection of progressive political projects and reformist policy agendas. Declan’s professional background includes indigenous negotiations, designing social and income-support programs, trade union advocacy, and evaluating public agencies.
As a Research Associate, Declan will publish insights on European policy and contribute to research within the Environmental Team.