The Italian Decreto Missioni: a new agreement, an old habit

On 16th July 2020, in almost total silence and disinterest, the Italian Chamber of Deputies approved the so-called Decreto Missioni (“Missions Decree”). With this political decision, Italy renewed its strategic interest in Africa and, in particular, its support to the Libyan Coast Guard (LCG), a military body responsible for controlling the Libyan borders and combating irregular migration from its shores. […]

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The protection of migrant workers from exploitation in the EU

The European Union has developed a solid legal framework that clearly proscribes labour exploitation and promotes equal opportunities and access to the labour market. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union prohibits slavery and forced labour (Art. 5). Further, it promotes fair and just working conditions to protect workers, their dignity, health and safety (Art. 31). […]

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To bee or not to bee? How the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies address pollinator decline

The 20th of May, 2020 was marked by several notable events: the global number of coronavirus cases hit 4,789, 205; the hashtag #hydroxychloroquine started trending after American President Donald Trump’s controversial admission that he was taking antimalarials as a prophylaxis for SARS-CoV-2; and Brazil became the pandemic’s third most affected country. […]

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The Evolving EU Position on Belarus

In light of the spate of protests following a rigged election in Belarus, its citizens have taken to the streets enmasse to protest its outcome. The numbers are estimated to be in the tens of thousands, and they only seem to be getting stronger. Amidst all of the chaos, the EU still does not have a clear position, nor does the US who is still on the sidelines. […]

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