Resolving the War in Ukraine – Impediments to Peace and the Role of the EU

With more than 2 million infected and 15000 dead in the current pandemic, EU has focused its attention on hemming the spread while tackling the vast socio-economic impact caused by the current situation. It is however crucial not to lose sight of conflicts that continue to affect everyday lives of millions. One of the main security challenges that the von der Leyen Commission will have to address in the near future is the on-going war in Ukraine. […]

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EU Migration Policy – Internal challenges and possibilities

It is time to rethinking the approach to EU’s migration policy. It will be crucial for the new Commission to acknowledge that challenges are different to that of five years ago and to not get caught in a situation where calls for revisions or reform takes precedence over short-term measures. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has rightly noted that we need a “fresh start on migration”, but what has the new Commission actually planned to do? […]

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