The Renovation Wave and A Cultural Phenomenon: What European Bauhaus Could Look Like for the European Union’s Energy Efficiency Goals

President Ursula von der Leyen’s September State of the Union Address (16 September 2020) was a call to arms for the Next Generation EU recovery package – so unsurprisingly, the European Green Deal was one of the core elements of her address. Along with proposed increases for the 2030 emission target reduction, President von der Leyen also included a statement regarding Europe’s ‘Renovation Wave’ that surprised and inspired comment […]

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To bee or not to bee? How the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies address pollinator decline

The 20th of May, 2020 was marked by several notable events: the global number of coronavirus cases hit 4,789, 205; the hashtag #hydroxychloroquine started trending after American President Donald Trump’s controversial admission that he was taking antimalarials as a prophylaxis for SARS-CoV-2; and Brazil became the pandemic’s third most affected country. […]

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