About Us
A Path for Europe is an open and independent non-profit think tank based in Berlin. We are dedicated to a bright future of the European Union and our aim is to explore different ways forward for the EU, looking at current challenges and possibilities within a variety of policy areas. Our scholars, authors, volunteers and management are not older than 35 years and thus represent Europe’s young generation. We conduct research and policy advice, provide a platform for debate on our blog and events and foster engagement for Europe in our future hubs spread throughout the EU.
Research and policy advice
Our core team conducts research and policy advice on a wide selection of policy fields that we consider to be of high relevance for Europe’s future. Even though our scholars are young, each of them has excellent academic records and proven experience in conducting research and policy advice. Our experienced Head of Research and Policy Advice is responsible for overseeing the conducted work and ensuring the quality of our findings.
Platform for debate
There is no clear path for the European Union. Our blog regularly features young voices and their interesting thoughts on the future of the European Union. In a pro-con-style debate two individuals or groups of individuals outline their ideas on a selected topic. Our local events complement the online-platform and provide the opportunity to bring different ideas together in one room.
Engagement for Europe
A Path for Europe aims at fostering engagement in Europe. In addition to our focus on activities on our webpage and in Berlin we also aim at building up future hubs in all member states of the European Union. These future hubs are the place for Europe’s young generation to develop and discuss thoughts on the future of the European Union. We consider us to be a think tank with an open and collaborative network.